Whew. Oh man, today has been full of lots and lots of...stuff. First off, my day started out with me full out sprinting (backpack and all) about 100 yards to make the Trax heading downtown. I ran up to the last car to push the button to open the doors, and WHAM, somehow slipped (it was raining out!) and full out landed on my knees, sliding about three feet forward. Pretty sure every single person on Trax saw this, and people walking, and people in their cars. And also the conductor, because Trax actually started to move, then I fell, then Trax stopped so I could get on the train. That never happens! Trax never waits for anyone! So I guess the conductor felt really bad...not sure if that's a good thing or bad. Despite this, having an extremely hard day at lifting practice, and the fact that it's not the nicest day in the world, my day has been pretty good :)
Also, I have an OVERWHELMING amount of homework. Man, high school was a piece of cake compared to this. I love college, but I think I could live without the workload! This is midterm week, so I'm cramming for my essay-format Environmental Ethics exam (which I LOVE!...the class, not the midterm...). But at least my classes are subjects I thoroughly enjoy learning about. That's what college is all about...right?
Anyways, sorry this is a never-ending post about my never-ending troubles, but I hope you like the picture, because I took it while procrastinating studying! :)