My love for trees is endless. My love for trees extends from every pore in my body, reaching out just the way a tree limb reaches towards the sky. I want to hug trees all day. Call me a treehugger, but shouldn't everyone be hugging trees when they are the reason we're alive? Without trees, we couldn't survive, for numerous reasons. I find solitary peace in a forest, a peace I can almost never find anywhere else. The forest has always been my go-to place, my thinking place. It is a place where nothing is judged and no one is wrong. Everything is in its right and perfect place in the forest, including me. I walk through a forest and every time am full of awe and wonder, wondering what secrets each tree holds. What have these trees seen and heard? I have such a respect for them, for been so solid and steady. So please, next time you're in a forest, hug a tree, and if someone asks what you're doing, tell them trees are the reason we are breathing, and therefore, we are forever in their debt.
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